Showing posts with label chicken houses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicken houses. Show all posts

Skills USA 2010 Daily Journal

Thursday, June 17, 2010 0 comments
Printing images for the Print Competition

I got to the lab just as Claudia was leaving for the day........ Phew!! Just in time. (Sorry Claudia). Tattoo the phrase "Print Early" on your hand and read it everyday. Is this competition really in 3 days. Gulp, time flies. The PPA International print competition just wrapped up yesterday. Such an incredible learning opportunity (make sure to do this). Professional photographers from around the country came to Gwinnett Tech to judge 4,400 images in 4 days. The days were long and towards the end it felt like we would never get through but, hearing the comments made by the judges was invaluable. When photographers are judging your work..... They WILL point out the good AND the BAD. Speaking of that, I better get back to printing.

I'll post the images later.