Ok, I haven't blogged since June..... Loser!! Isn't that the key to a successful blog? I am currently in the 5th quarter of the Commercial Photography Program and opted to take math instead of Multi Media 2 which requires students to blog, tweet etc to get their names out there. Remember earlier when I mentioned taking math....... It's like 3rd grade math and as sad as it sounds. It's tough. No, Mr. Redneck Comedian... Not only am I not smarter than a 5th grader, I am finding it challenging to keep up with a 3rd grader. Thank goodness remembering how n relates to x and how to convert all that into a mixed fraction doesn't make a hill of beans to my ultimate goal of being a fabulous photographer. Photojournalism class however may just be the death of me. Anyway, I digress. My other classmates are now blogging and tweeting and it has inspired me to get back at it.