Key West State of Mind
Just passing MM 82 in Islamorada and on the right is my favorite little dive that serves "The Platter".... Too many great nibbles to mention them all and then to wash it down with a Bushwacker.... Yum..... A must stop next time you are traveling this way. No time for us to stop because we are Key West or Bust baby!!! The mood in the RV has definitely slowed down a bit and a wave of relaxation is coming over us.... Not too hard to do when you are flanked by two gorgeous bodies of water. We just passed a lady on her bike with a mild crate for a basket, tinsel wrapped the top for decoration and streamers flappy in the wind off the handle bars...... Oh, I have missed this place.
Ok, I haven't blogged since June..... Loser!! Isn't that the key to a successful blog? I am currently in the 5th quarter of the Commercial Photography Program and opted to take math instead of Multi Media 2 which requires students to blog, tweet etc to get their names out there. Remember earlier when I mentioned taking math....... It's like 3rd grade math and as sad as it sounds. It's tough. No, Mr. Redneck Comedian... Not only am I not smarter than a 5th grader, I am finding it challenging to keep up with a 3rd grader. Thank goodness remembering how n relates to x and how to convert all that into a mixed fraction doesn't make a hill of beans to my ultimate goal of being a fabulous photographer. Photojournalism class however may just be the death of me. Anyway, I digress. My other classmates are now blogging and tweeting and it has inspired me to get back at it.
2010 SkillsUSA Competiton Day Two
Orientation is today and we dropped off our images. The images will be on display for everyone to view until the end of the competition and Friday all the students/contestants place their vote for which image gets the title of "Best in Show". We have been told that no advisers are to be treated as "stranger danger" while the competitions are in session. No cheating allowed! Hello, recognize. We are required to format all our memory cards prior to the session and they will check them to make sure there are no images stored in the camera or on the cards. We must label all our items with our competition #'s. From here on out you may call me 504. That's Ms. 504 if you're nasty. (sorry, couldn't help it!!)
9AM we are meeting in the designated photography area and will be told what the theme is for our photoshoot. We should end sometime around 2ish and lunch is being catered.
The dress code is casual and considering it will be 96 degrees......I am thankful :)
9AM we are meeting in the designated photography area and will be told what the theme is for our photoshoot. We should end sometime around 2ish and lunch is being catered.
The dress code is casual and considering it will be 96 degrees......I am thankful :)
2010 SkillsUSA Competiton Day One
Rode MARTA to the airport and got there a few hours early to study for the SkillsUSA test. There were a lot of people with SkillsUSA shirts on and by process of elimination I was able to locate the advisers from Gwinnett Tech with no problems. The flight to KC was smooth and fast, BONUS! I am not big on flying as a matter of fact: Landing is my favorite part 2nd only to reminiscing about how smooth and painless the flight was. Operative words here are smooth, flight and was. :) The dress code is strictly enforced White SkillsUSA Polo Shirt, Black Pants or Skirt, Belt, Socks and Black Leather Shoes. So make sure to have all of these things prior to your trip or scout the area and find a store when you get to KC because you will need to wear the outfit to the orientation and to the main competition day. You will also be required to bring two prints with you for competition. I opted to bring 1 BW and 1 Color Print. For traveling I put 1 piece of cardboard in between and two on the outside (like a photo club sandwich). Then put two additional pieces of cardboard surrounding that and taped it all together. I was able to put them under the seat ahead of me on the plane. This worked out great. In hindsight I would have also put them in my portfolio case just for the sake of having a handle. What a great invention that is....A HANDLE. Then your hands don't cramp when lugging it all across the country and back. Do what you wish....I'm just sayin.
There are buses at the airport waiting for you and we are staying at the Hyatt Regency in Crown Center. HOLLA! This hotel is beautiful and the rooms are nice. 28th floor with a view of downtown. The ride to the hotel was a bit long but, no biggie. The view visually sent me over the edge and I wanted to hop out and start taking pics. Once at the hotel there is approx a 3 hour break before you are scheduled to meet for the main howdy from SkillsUSA and each state meets individually. This is when you will take the SkillsUSA Exam. The test is used as a tie breaker in the event there is one. From what I hear from past participants...It gets close.
Things to remember.... Wear your name badge all the time when competing or you will not be permitted to enter the competition areas.
There are buses at the airport waiting for you and we are staying at the Hyatt Regency in Crown Center. HOLLA! This hotel is beautiful and the rooms are nice. 28th floor with a view of downtown. The ride to the hotel was a bit long but, no biggie. The view visually sent me over the edge and I wanted to hop out and start taking pics. Once at the hotel there is approx a 3 hour break before you are scheduled to meet for the main howdy from SkillsUSA and each state meets individually. This is when you will take the SkillsUSA Exam. The test is used as a tie breaker in the event there is one. From what I hear from past participants...It gets close.
Things to remember.... Wear your name badge all the time when competing or you will not be permitted to enter the competition areas.
Skills USA 2010 Daily Journal
Posted by
Doris Presents
Thursday, June 17, 2010
chicken houses,
old buildings,
Printing images for the Print Competition
I got to the lab just as Claudia was leaving for the day........ Phew!! Just in time. (Sorry Claudia). Tattoo the phrase "Print Early" on your hand and read it everyday. Is this competition really in 3 days. Gulp, time flies. The PPA International print competition just wrapped up yesterday. Such an incredible learning opportunity (make sure to do this). Professional photographers from around the country came to Gwinnett Tech to judge 4,400 images in 4 days. The days were long and towards the end it felt like we would never get through but, hearing the comments made by the judges was invaluable. When photographers are judging your work..... They WILL point out the good AND the BAD. Speaking of that, I better get back to printing.
I'll post the images later.